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Motivosity for Admins
Admins can start here for help with any admin related tool in Motivosity.
26 articles
Admin Tools
Learn how to use the Admin Tools section of Motivosity (listed under an admin's profile picture)
Welcome New Admins!Welcoming new Admins in Motivosity
Resetting Passwords as an AdminHow to reset a password for a user as an Admin in Motivosity.
Adjusting Individual Balances Through Admin ToolsAs an admin you have the ability to adjust individual balances through Admin Tools.
Match Giving RulesAs an admin, you can update the Peer to Peer Giving rules if any adjustments have been made in the middle of the month.
Giving a Bulk AppreciationNeed to give an appreciation to the company or a group of employees?
Auditing MilestonesReconcile any missed birthdays or anniversaries rewards in the platform through Admin Tools.
Bulk Awards & AchievementsUnderstanding bulk awards and achievements
Bulk Balance AdjustmentsThis article will walk you through how to perform a bulk balance adjustment through Admin Tools.
Managing the Org Chart
If you are struggling getting your org chart organized the way you want, these articles should help.
Moving a User in the Org ChartEditing your Org chart in Motivosity
Changing Employees DepartmentsEditing a user department in Motivosity
Adding an Admin in MotivosityFor information on adding an Admin to Motivosity
Accidentally Deleted a UserAccidentally deleted a user? Find out how to reverse that with this article
Country CodesDifferent country code options
Deactivating a UserFor information on how to deactivate a user
Access Levels
There are different types of access levels within motivosity. Learn how to assign those and what those users can do.
Access Levels in MotivosityAdmin access privilege levels in Motivosity
Access Levels Update (2024)New Updates to admin access privilege levels
Awards and Achievements
There are different types of awards in Motivosity. Learn more about those here.
How to Review Achievement Award SubmissionsReviewing Achievement Award Submissions
Managing My AwardsInformation on managing your created awards
Boosting Participation
This collection of articles provides recommended actions to boost participation within Motivosity.
Tips for Increasing Login RatesHere is a list of suggestions for how to increase your login rates
Tips for Increasing Employee AppreciationsIf you want to increase how many users are receiving appreciations, try some of these ideas!
Tips for Increasing Leadership ParticipationIf you need ideas on how to increase participation from your leadership team, try some of these out!
Using Motivosity to Support your Wellness ProgramWould you like to use Motivosity to help run your Wellness Program? We've got some ideas to help!
Using Motivosity for Your Onboarding ProgramWant to use Motivosity to help you onboard your new hires? Love it. We've got some ideas to help!
Increasing Mobile App AdoptionIf you are looking for ways to promote the mobile app