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Access Levels Update (2024)

New Updates to admin access privilege levels

Updated over 10 months ago

Access Levels in Motivosity

Beginning on May 1, 2024, there will be several updates to the different types of access levels within Motivosity to make sure you have better control over what information can be seen and edited by your various admins.

Who Can Update Admin Access Levels?

The only person who can change admin access levels is the admin who is listed as the "Point of Contact" This person is seen on the Setup > Account Preferences page.

What's Changed?

Improved Financial Controls

Before, any admin with an MFA Password would be able to make financial changes in Motivosity. Now, the only people who will be able to do anything that affects money in Motivosity in any way will need to be a Finance Admin to affect those changes. Some examples of these changes include:

New Confidential Data Controls

Starting on May 1, 2024 several insights (reports) are only visible for users with Confidential Data Access (previously "Data Access"). Those reports include:

  • Private Appreciations

  • Flagged Content

  • Employee Performance (part of the Manager Development add-on)

  • Private Journal Notes (part of the Manager Development add-on)

  • Employee Ratings (part of the Manager Development add-on)

  • Employee Satisfaction Survey Results (part of the Employee Insights add-on)

What Do I Need to Do?

The most important thing for you to do is to review the access levels that are currently granted (see below), and have your primary admin edit them as needed.

How to Review Current Access Levels

To review the current access levels go to 'Insights' > 'Community and Team' > 'User Management'. There you will see current information for active employees including if they have current admin access and which type:

By clicking on one of those icons TWICE you will be able to bring the users with that access to the top of the page:

In this screenshot I can see that Leslie has Regular Admin Access and Confidential Data Access. She does NOT have Finance Admin access.

Please Note: You (the if you are the Primary Admin) can click on the PENCIL icon next to anyone's name in this report to edit their permissions from this page.

Update Levels as Needed

As you are considering the types of Admin Access Levels to grant, keep this summary in mind:

  • After May 1, an Admin will have access to the Setup Pages and can make any changes to those pages that don't affect money. They will also have access to most insights at a company level, but not the ones that are only visible to admins with Confidential Data access.

  • After May 1, a Finance Admin will be able to make changes to the Setup Pages or in the Admin Tools (but only if they are also an "Admin" as described above) and they can be designated as someone who can approve financial changes that happen in the Admin Tools page (click here to learn more).

  • After May 1, Confidential Data access will grant those users access to insights that are listed above.

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