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Creating a Space in Motivosity

Learn how to create a space in Motivosity

Updated over a week ago

Spaces are subgroups within Motivosity that allows you to make posts, schedule events, share resources aimed at a specific group of people in Motivosity. This article will focus on how to CREATE a Space.

How to Create a Space

A space can be created from two places:

First, if you have permission to create a space, that option will show up from the Spaces part of Motivosity located at the top of the page:

Second, if you are an Admin, you can also create a space from the Setup > Spaces page:

Step 1: Name the Space and choose the Type

The first step of creating a space is to choose a name and pick a type.

There are three different types of spaces that can be created, all differentiated by who can create the space as well as the way that users join that space.

  • Company - A company space can only be created by an admin, and ALL active users are automatically enrolled.

    • We recommend starting with a single "Company" space, and use that space to house resources like your employee handbook, benefits guide, reimbursement procedures, company newsletters, CEO blogs, etc.

  • Private - A private space can only be created by an admin and they will need to choose which users should be a part of that space.

    • Some examples of privates spaces are: Onboarding for New Hires, Space for Managers, Executive Team, Branch-specific, Department-specific, Location-based, etc.

  • Community - A community space is one in which anyone can join. An admin will need to decide who they want to allow to create a community space (either Admins only, Managers and Admins, or Everyone. This setting is controlled on the Setup > Spaces page.)

    • Examples include: Health and Wellness, Leadership Development, Book Club, Product Updates, etc.

Step 2: Permissions Types for a Space

When creating a space, the creator will be able to assign various permission types to the users.

  • Space Owner: This user will have full access to everything related to that space.

  • Moderators: A moderator will be able to create and manage all content on the space.

  • Member:The creator of the space will be able to decide which permissions their members have. By default users will be able to Like and Comment on things happening in the space. If granted permissions, members may also...

Adding Members to a Private Space

The membership of a space depends on the type of space created:

  • With a Company space, ALL users are added automatically.

  • With a Community space, members are NOT added, but they choose to enroll.

  • With a Private space, the space's owner will need to decide who is a member of that space. They will do this from the Spaces Permission Page:

Next, you will be prompted to add members from an Existing User Group and/or to add a New Rule.

  • Existing User Group: If you have already created a user group on the Setup > User Group page, you can simply copy that membership directly.

  • + New Rule: You can choose to create a rule for this membership. There are 4 different rule types to choose from:

    • User: Choose your users one-at-a-time.

    • Team: Choose a manager, then they and their direct reports will be a member of this space. The membership of this space will change automatically as the team changes.

    • Organization: Choose a manager, then they and their entire downline of employees will be part of this space. The membership of this space will change as the organization changes.

    • User Group: Reference an existing User Group so that the membership of this space matches that.

    • Custom: You can create a custom rule so that members of this space are automatically enrolled and unenrolled depending on how their profiles are set up. For example, you could create a space based on "Anyone who has the title of 'Account Executive'" or "Anyone who was hired in the last 6 months." Click here to see some more examples of rules you could create.

Step 3: Customize the Appearance of the Space

When creating a space you will need to customize four settings that affect the appearance of the space

  • Space Cover Photo - You will need a photo that will be shown at the very top o the space. That photo should be 1500 x 400 pixels. If the image is a different size than that, you'll be prompted to crop it.

  • Space Color Theme - A lot of the posts will have text and a color theme that matches the color you select.

  • Description - Let users know what the purpose of the spaces is so they know what they can find there.

  • Spaces Icon - You can pick from one of the many icons available or upload your own (100 x 100 pixels). This icon will be featured on the card advertising your space.

Here you can see an example of how these settings appear in the space:

Step 4: Community Affiliations

You can add a few more details that will really help people engage with this space (and recommend this space to specific people). Those details include:

  • Space Chat Link (Optional): If you have a link for a place where this group of people chat (Slack, Teams, Google, Discord, etc.) you can post that link here.

  • Related Company Interests (Optional): By adding existing interest groups this space will be recommended to other users who have added that interest group to their profile.

  • Location (Optional): You can add a location here and users who are located near this location will be recommended this space to join.

Here is an example of where the Space Chat Link appears:

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