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Interest Groups

We all have interests... Find out which peers have the same ones as you!

Updated over 3 weeks ago

How to Add an Interest

To add an interest on your profile start by doing the following

Select your profile picture in the top right.

Click 'My Profile' > Head to 'Edit Profile'

Scroll down to the "My Interests" section. From here, you can start to add interest. Go ahead and click "ADD" when you would like to add your interest.

Joining and Mailing Interest Groups

To join other interest groups or send an email to a group, you can start by doing the following:

Select "Insights" > "Community and Team"

Select "Interest Map"

Here we can see what interests are already in the company and join them.

When you select the 'Mail the Group' button this will open your email application on your desktop and attach all users in the interest group to a newly composed email. This is a great way to plan events and activities to get together and connect outside of work.

Deleting interest Groups

Did someone add something not very appropriate as an interest group? No worries, we can help with this!

To delete an interest group, you can do the following:

As an admin in Motivosity, head to the drop down menu at the top of your screen by selecting your profile picture.

Next to your name and select 'Admin Tools'

Then head to 'Delete Interest'

Here you can type in that interest and select "Delete Interest"

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