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Spaces Overview

This article will cover the basics about spaces as well as provide links to other articles where you can learn more.

Updated over 5 months ago

What are Spaces in Motivosity?

Spaces are subgroups within Motivosity that allows you to make posts, schedule events, share resources aimed at a specific group of people in Motivosity. This article will cover the basics about spaces as well as provide links to other articles where you can learn more. Here are some links to help answer your questions:

How do I Try Spaces?

If Spaces is not a part of your current contract, you can follow these steps to activate a Spaces trial for free!

Who Can Create a Space?

Admins can control who can and cannot create a new space. This is done through the Setup > Spaces page.

  • Everyone - Admins will be able to create any type of space, then anyone will be able to create a Community Space.

  • Managers & Admins - Admins will be able to create anytype of space, then Managers (anyone with a direct report) will be able to create a Community Space.

  • Admin Only - Only users with Admin Access can create a Space.

How do I Create a Space?

We have an entire article dedicate to creating a space. Within that article we will also teach you how to...

How do I Turn on Spaces for my Employees?

If you are new to spaces, you may want to spend some time getting the spaces set up before inviting everyone in to participate. That's what the "Status" toggle is for.

To enable or disable spaces, simply go to Setup > Spaces then you can enable the spaces feature as needed.

Question to Consider:

  • Who would you like to be able to make a Community Space?

    • A community space is one where employees choose to enroll themselves

Where Can I Find Spaces in Motivosity?

Once Spaces have been enabled, at the top of the page you can find the Spaces Icon.

There you will be able to see Spaces you're a part of, both Company-Wide and Spaces you've joined...

You'll also be able to see spaces that have been recommended for you based on your interests as well as a list of all other spaces that exist that you could join:

What Can be Done in a Space?

The space owners, moderators, and users (depending on the permissions set when building the space) will be able to:

All members of a space will be able to:

  • See the Activity page (a thread of all posts, events, newly added resources)

  • Comment on posts in the activity page

  • View the list of members of that space

  • View a list of upcoming events (and RSVP for those)

  • View the Resources that have been added to the space

  • View any media (images, videos, etc.) that have been added to any post

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