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General User FAQ

Do you have some questions about how Motivosity works in general? We've got you covered!

Updated over 8 months ago

If you're new to Motivosity, you might have some questions about how things work. Let's see if we can take care of you!

What is Motivosity?

Motivosity is a software that has a goal of making you happier at work! We believe that people are happier when they feel seen and appreciated for the work they are doing. Motivosity should increase you enjoyment.

How do I log into Motivosity?

You should have gotten an email with a link to log in... but if not, you can always go to and type in your work email address. If that is tied to an existing account you will either be redirected to your Single Sign On system or to put in a password. If you've forgotten your password simply click "Request One-Time Code" and we'll send you an email with a 6-digit code to get you in!

What should I do once I'm logged in?

Once you log into Motivosity, you'll see that it looks like a social media feed for your workplace! Along with reacting to and commenting on any existing posts, we encourage you to do these three things:

  • Set up your profile: you can update your history, interests, responsibilities, and profile picture so that people can get to know you better.

  • Send an appreciation: Think of some one who has helped you today, and send them a thank you!

  • Share a highlight: Share a big win you've had while working at your company recently and share that with the crowd so they can cheer you on!

What are Motivosity Bucks?

Motivosity bucks a very common way to be rewarded in Motivosity. They are a digital currency (One "Motivosity Buck" to $1 USD. Notice, your company might use a different name, but the idea is the same) that you may earn in many different ways! Every company has these set up a little bit differently, but most commonly users earn Motivosity Bucks through...

  • Engaging in the software (like filling our your profile, downloading the app, etc.)

  • Receiving and Appreciation

  • Birthday or Work Anniversaries

  • Receiving an Award

  • Completing various tasks set up by your Motivosity Admin

Can I give Motivosity Bucks to others?

You can! When you send an appreciation you may have some "To Give" Motivosity Bucks already allocated to you. If not, you may have some "To Spend" dollars. Those dollars can be used on yourself or passed to other users.

When do I get Motivosity Bucks "To Give"?

Your admin has decided how many Motivosity Bucks you will receive to give each month. Those Motivosity Bucks are only available during the current calendar month. If you don't give those Motivosity Bucks during the current calendar month, you will lose those bucks as the system refreshes on the first of each new month.

In other words, if you start this month with $5 and only give $2 during this month, when next month starts you'll start back with the normal $5, (you won't have $5 added to what you still had last month.)

Do my Motivosity Bucks expire?

Your "To Give" dollars will expire and you'll be given a new allocation on the first of each month.

For the most part, your "To Spend" dollars don't expire, so you can save them up and by yourself something nice!

The exceptions here are that some companies will have spending dollars expire periodically, and it's also good to know that if you'v

How do I spend my Motivosity Bucks?

Your company will customize the way that you can spend your Motivosity Bucks. Specifically, some options are:

  • Pass your spending dollars to someone else through an appreciation

  • Buy yourself a digital gift card from the Store

  • Buy some company items set up by your admin

  • Donate to a charitable cause as set up by your admin

  • Spend your money anywhere Visa is accepted by your ThanksMatters card

Where can I go if I have more questions?

If you look at the bottom left-hand corner of the Motivosity site, you'll see a little blue Yeti icon.

Click on that to get more help!

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