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Reacting to Appreciations

How to like, comment, and add a buck to posts in Motivosity.

Updated over 11 months ago

When someone has posted an appreciation there are three ways you could react to that post. You can like, comments, or add a buck.

Liking a post on the Home Feed

To like a post in Motivosity on the Home Feed, you click or hover over the like button. You will then see other reactions you can use as well. Be sure to like the appreciation, highlights, and other posts you see from your peers!

Commenting on a post on the Home Feed

To comment on a post in the Home Feed, all you need to do is click the 'comment' icon and start to enter your comment.

Adding a Buck to an Appreciation

Have you ever seen a post that you totally agree with and wish you had said the same thing about your peer? There's a button for that!

If you want to "Add a Buck" an appreciation, go ahead and select the "Add a Buck" button:

From here, you can choose a preset message, or enter a custom message. Then go ahead and select to use either your Giving or Spending money. This will then show up as a comment on the appreciation.

Please note: This will give $1 from either your Spending or Giving balance. This amount is not customizable.

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