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Milestones (Birthdays, Work Anniversaries, New Hires)
Milestones (Birthdays, Work Anniversaries, New Hires)

Set up automated rewards for Milestones

Updated over 2 months ago

Milestones are how Motivosity can help celebrate an employee's birthday and/or work anniversary. You can customize Motivosity so that it gives Motivosity Bucks and/or Give a Gift to employees for these milestones in any amount that you'd like!

Questions to Consider:

Milestone Groups

Before you create your first milestone award (birthday or work anniversary), you will want to begin by creating a group. Essentially, who should be getting the awards you're about to set up?

Most commonly you will choose "Everyone" -- but you may also choose from one of the other options:

  • Everyone: Everyone in the company will get the awards you set up in this group.

  • Country: Every user (and only these users) who has this specific country set as their location (see: Setting Up Your Team) will get these awards.

  • Custom Group: You can create a Custom User Group and the awards set up in this group will only go to those users.


Once you have chosen the group that should receive a specific birthday award, click Add Birthday Award Set up 'Birthday Awards' in the Milestones section of Setup. When you set up a birthday award, the employees will automatically get the bonus amount put in their spending balance when their birthday post is posted to the feed. You can set up birthday awards so that employees either receive cash or a local reward item.

You will be able to Give Motivosity Bucks and/or Give a Gift:

  • Give Motivosity Bucks: Users will receive this amount of Motivosity Bucks on their Birthday.

  • Give a Gift: You can tie an existing local reward and the owner of that item will be notified when it's time to deliver that award.

It's also good to know that each individual user will be able to keep their birthday private and they can opt out of receiving a gift by going to Edit Profile (under their profile picture) and checking these boxes:

Work Anniversaries

You can set Motivosity up so that employees are awarded automatically on the anniversary of their hire date. (Often called their "Work Anniversary".) Special work anniversary awards can also be made. For example, you can set things up so that employees get $25 every year (an "annual" award) but then they get a $50 award on their 5 year anniversary (a "Special Anniversary Award").

You will be able to Give Motivosity Bucks and/or Give a Gift:

  • Give Motivosity Bucks: Users will receive this amount of Motivosity Bucks on their Work Anniversary.

  • Give a Gift: You can tie an existing local reward and the owner of that item will be notified when it's time to deliver that award.

Special Anniversary Rewards

To create an award for a specific year, click 'No' next to 'Will this award be given annually?' and then type in which year anniversary you want this award to be given on.

You then have the option to replace the annual award or supplement it.

  • Replacing the annual award means that if you have an annual award set up, then it will not be given and the employee(s) will get this award instead on this specific year anniversary.

  • Supplementing the award means that the employees will get the annual bonus ($25) plus this specific year bonus ($50).

Individual user will be able to keep their work anniversary (and Hire Date) private by going to Edit Profile (under their profile picture) and checking this box:

New Hire Onboarding Gift

You can set up Motivosity so that new hires get a few dollars (or a gift) in their spending balance to start off!

You will be able to Give Motivosity Bucks and/or Give a Gift:

  • Give Motivosity Bucks: Users will receive this amount of Motivosity Bucks when their account is created.

  • Give a Gift: You can tie an existing local reward and the owner of that item will be notified when it's time to deliver that award.

Notice that this gift will be given FIVE DAYS after an employee's hire date, so adding a hire date is required for this feature to work.

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