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MV6 Satisfaction Survey Setup

For setting up MV6 Satisfaction Surveys in Motivosity

Updated over 2 months ago

*This feature is only available to customers with the Employee Insights add on*

MV6 Satisfaction Survey Overview

Satisfaction Surveys are a great way to take the pulse of employee satisfaction at work. The survey that is set up on this page will be anonymous* and will be delivered to employees based on the frequency chosen during survey setup. Once employees start taking this survey, we strongly discourage editing the survey because then you will not be able to measure trends for the data that has been collected.

*Surveys are anonymous, but are linked to supervisors and departments. When the surveys are active, you will be giving insights into:

  1. Employee satisfaction trends by questions

  2. Employee satisfaction trends by department

  3. Employee satisfaction trends by manager

If you would like to see how to make any other kind of survey (we call them Pulse Surveys) Click Here.

One great way to motivate people to take their satisfaction survey is to actually tie a Sweetener to it. A sweetener is money that goes to the survey-takers "To Spend" account. To learn more about how to do this, Click Here.

How to Enable the MV6 Satisfaction Survey

You can enable or disable the MV6 Satisfaction Survey from the setup page. Enabled Satisfaction Surveys will be delivered to employees based on the frequency that you choose under the next part of the setup. When disabled, Satisfaction Surveys will not be sent out at all. You can toggle this setting here:

If you would like to disable the ongoing surveys, all you need to do is set the Status toggle to 'Disabled'. After you do this a pop up will come up and ask if you are sure about disabling surveys. If you do decide to continue and disable surveys, you will lose all past survey data as well as Benchmarking service and the Employee Satisfaction dashboard.

Setting a Survey Frequency

As you begin setting up your company's MV6 Survey, you will have the option of choosing how often your employees are prompted to fill out the questionnaire. There will be options for either an automated schedule that you can select a recurring timeframe for, or an option to manage the sending of surveys manually.

If you want to set up a Scheduled Survey Frequency, here is a list of cadence options that you have to select from:

We would recommend setting these surveys up with the 'Every 90 Days' option, as this provides a dynamic quarterly schedule which is based off of the last date that a given user completed the previous survey, and so each user should be receiving a new MV6 Survey on their own individual schedule, however you can choose to have the survey go out on the first of a given month with either a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual frequency if you would prefer as well.

The other frequency option would be to manage the sending of your surveys manually. You can manually send out an MV6 Survey to all users by using this button:

This will be the only way that surveys are sent out to your employees under a 'Manual' frequency, however you can still utilize this button even if you have a scheduled frequency set up to send out a new survey at any time if needs be.

Standard Survey Questions vs. Modified MV6 Questions

Standard Survey Questions

You will have the option to use our standard 6-question Satisfaction Survey, or to use your own questions. When selecting your question types you also have the ability to preview what that survey will look like when going out to your employees:

We strongly recommend using our Standard Survey Questions as they are based on extensive research and all have benchmark data tied to them. This way you can see how your company compares to industry standards. The results of the 5th question "I tell my friends they should work here" is used to generate an eNPS score (Employee Net Promoter Score).

Modified MV6 Questions

You can also choose to customize the survey to use your own questions if you would like. Feel free to replicate any from our set of Standard Survey Questions, or reword them entirely to create some more suited to your company's needs. Once you click "Modified MV6 Questions" you will be prompted to edit the 6 question template. Remember to phrase your questions so they can be answered with a 1-10 Disagree / Agree scale.

Please note: You are limited to a maximum of 6 Modified MV6 Survey questions. If you wish to not include any of the template questions, you can choose to toggle them off in the survey setup.

Once your questions have been written, you can pick ONE question that will be used to represent your eNPS score. You can also choose to enable Benchmarking data on your MV6 report dashboard. This benchmark data is based on industry benchmark numbers gathered from a plethora of sources and extensive conducted research, so it should help to give a good understanding of how your own organization's numbers match up against other industry standards.

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