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Key Player Setup

Set up Key Player Ratings for your managers to complete on a schedule set by the admin.

Updated over 9 months ago

*This feature is only available to customers who have the Manager Development add-on*

Key Player Overview

The Key Player feature in Motivosity allows Managers to rate their team members based on how the feel that person is performing in the team. We believe those types of ratings are done best as an annual review, and as simple as saying the employee has a "High Impact," "Expected Impact," or "Low Impact" on the team. However, the frequency of these reviews and the ratings available are customizable on this page.

To learn more about how a Manager would use the Key Players tool, click here.

One great way to incentivize managers completing their Key Players evaluations is to offer a Sweetener. Click here to learn more about how Sweeteners work and how to set them up.

On/Off Toggle

In order for the Key Player feature to be visible in the 'Manage' Tab, you will need to toggle ON the feature in Motivosity by heading to 'Setup' - 'Key Players' and turn it on. If you have the toggle OFF the feature will not populate in the 'Manage' Tab.

Review Periods

By default, Motivosity will have one single review period enabled each year. This review period opens on December 1st of every year and ends on December 31st of each year. By default, there will be 120 day grace period. However, the review period is customizable to your needs.

When setting up multiple key player review periods, you need to ensure each review period is in chronological order. Set the default review period as the first in the calendar year, i.e Jan 1 to Jan 15. Then set the second review period for later in the year, i.e July 1 to July 15. Then let the review periods happen. Once a review period is completed and closed it will update automatically to be the review period for the following year.

Please Note: At least one review period is required and the dates cannot overlap (i.e the grace period must end before the next period opens). The opening day will need to be in the future (i.e if an annual rule is created yesterday, the period will reflect one year from yesterday).


In the example above, for instance, Invitations will be sent to managers to do review starting October 1st, or the first day of the period. This will happen for each review period. Action items will be created on opening day for each manager and will expire on the last grace period day.

During the open period, weekly reminders will be sent to the managers leading up to the closing day. They will proceed to get three reminders right before the grace period ends.


You can customize the ratings that will be shown when a manager rates an employee. By default, we have three rating labels, High impact, Expected Impact, and Low Impact. Each of these ratings are categorized on how the employee contributes to the success of the team.

NOTE: Rating categories update overnight and will be applied to your review period when the review period starts.


The coaching section will include the description of that label when you select the 'i' icon in the 'Manage' tab. You can see this in the section below

Identifying Impact team members include, ‘High Impact’ team members are standout players who are widely recognized by the team as someone who enables others to be successful. ‘High Impact’ team members are not just good at their jobs, they are unique in their ability to contribute above and beyond what is expected. ‘Expected Impact’ team members are usually the majority of the team. They do their job and the job they do adds value to the company. ‘Low Impact’ team members either struggle in the job they do to the extent that they do not get expected results, or who do a job that is potentially minimal value to the organization.

This is an example of what these settings look like for a Manager. In this screen shot the mouse is hoovering over the "Expected Impact" to show how the information from the Coaching box shows up for the managers.

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