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BambooHR Integration Setup

Instructions on how to setup the BambooHR integration.

Updated over a week ago

Our integration with Bamboo HR lets you easily sync changes and updates with your employees in your Motivosity environment. The steps below will help walk you through how to get this integration set up!

Before setting up this integration: Please note that once you have an integration in place, your HR platform will become the SOURCE OF TRUTH for employee data you are feeding into Motivosity. Any changes made in Motivosity will be overwritten by this Integration. Issues with data accuracy will need to be addressed in your HR platform.

How to configure the BambooHR integration

To configure the BambooHR integration, get started by first manually importing a spreadsheet of all your users to Motivosity. This will give BambooHR a reference to review and use to then sync and make these changes. For help on how to do a manual import in Motivosity, please see the following article: Setting Up Your Team

Quick Note: The BambooHR integration does not support custom fields at this time. If custom fields are being used, please reach out to our amazing Technical Support team.

Once your team has been uploaded, to set up the BambooHR integration, you'll first navigate to the integration page in Motivosity. This can be found by going to Setup > Integrations.

After you have navigated to the integration page, go ahead and select the 'BambooHR' tile.

Next, you should see a modal appear that will give you a description of what the integration does. Go ahead and select 'Activate'.

Once you click 'Activate', you'll be brought to the BambooHR setup page. From here, click 'Generate BambooHR Webhook URL'.

Once clicked, the 'Webhook URL' should appear. Have BambooHR open and ready. You will then copy and paste into the Bamboo Webhook Settings area.

Next, from BambooHR you will go ahead and access the following section, Settings > Account > Webhooks, click on β€˜Add Webhook’

Please Note: If you do not see the option for "Webhooks", you will need to contact your BambooHR rep and request access to it. Once you have access you are good to move forward.

As a requirement when you are setting up the 'Add Webhook' section, please be sure to follow these steps exactly and add each field as you see them. These fields are static and cannot be changed. The image below is what you should see once all fields have been added correctly.

Please see the following fields to post and ensure that you add each one below.

Please note: The "Reporting to" field in step 7 is not included and will be "Supervisor ID" for step 8.

  • Employee #

  • Status

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Preferred Name

  • Birth Date

  • Work Phone

  • Work Email

  • Hire Date

  • Department

  • Job Title

  • Country

  • Location

  • Supervisor ID

  • Middle Name

After filling out the fields to post in BambooHR, go to the next section and choose 'JSON' as the format.

After, you will paste the URL from Motivosity (Setup > Integration > BambooHR) into the 'Post to URL' field. You can then Decide on frequency.

Dealing with future hires

If you don't want a future hire to sync into Motivosity yet, just don't enter their email address into Bamboo until their hire date.

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