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Configuring the Motivosity Microsoft Teams Connector
Configuring the Motivosity Microsoft Teams Connector

A walkthrough for our connector in Microsoft Teams.

Updated over 4 months ago

Please Note: Microsoft is sunsetting connectors in Teams. During this time, if you are setting up this integration for the first time, or are planning on making any changes, you should manage this connector in the Teams web client.

What is the Motivosity Microsoft Team Connector?

With the Motivosity Microsoft Teams Connector, you will be able to see all the Appreciations, Highlights, Awards, and Announcements shared in Motivosity post to a specific channel of your choice within your Teams environment. Your users will also be able to share Appreciations and Highlights directly from Microsoft Teams with a simple "MV" icon command as well.

How to configure the connector:

To configure the Team connector, in Microsoft Teams, find and select the "Apps" icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

Next, you'll want to search for "Motivosity" in the search bar in the upper left corner. Once you have found the Motivosity app, you can select 'Add to a Team'.

Please Note: If you are unable to find the 'Motivosity' connector you will need to allow 3rd party apps in your Teams Admin Center and change your app permission rule.

After, you have select "Add to a Team" you can now select which team you would like to add the connector too. Once you have selected a channel, go ahead and select "Set up a connector".

After you have set up the connector to your channel, another pop-up modal will display for you to configure the Motivosity app.

Please Note: You will be required to sign in as a Motivosity Admin to see this screen. Once signed in click 'OK' then 'Save'.

Once the configuration is done saving, a message will show up at the top of the channel you added the connector to letting you know that everything was setup correctly!

Adding the 'MV' button to Send Appreciations and Share Highlights from Teams

Next, let's make it easy for users to send appreciations and share highlights from inside of Teams. To add the 'MV' icon in your Teams sender, please do the following:

  1. Once logged in, on the left side menu select "Teams Apps"

  2. Select "Setup Policies"

  3. On the App setup policies screen select the policy that applies to the group that will have access to the integration. Typically, that would be the global policy.

  4. From the policy page, scroll down to the Pinned apps section

  5. Select "Add Apps"

  6. A right hand section should appear where you will select the global policy again and then search for Motivosity and then select Add once you've added Motivosity.

  7. From there, select Save.

Note: It may take up to 1 - 2 days for this change to show within your teams instance.

I've configured the connector, what should I expect now?

Now that you've got your connector set up, this is what you can expect from the integration.

You'll see Posts From Motivosity in Teams:

After you have configured the Motivosity Teams Connector, you should now be able to see the feed populating on this channel with all posts created by a users in Motivosity via Appreciations, Highlights, Announcements and Award!

Here's an examples of what these posts will look like:

You Can Send Appreciations and Share Highlights from Teams

To Give and Appreciation or Share a Highlight from Teams, simply put click the small 'MV' icon at the bottom of the text box in Teams.

You can then select the options to "Say Thanks" or "Add a Highlight". After you select either of these options a new modal will appear for you to fill out the needed information just as you would see in Motivosity from a browser.

If you'd like to comment on a post that you see from Motivosity, you can use the 'View in Motivosity' icon in the channel located at the bottom of every post.

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