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Here's a quick introduction on the Priorities section of the Meeting Management tools.

Updated over 5 months ago

*For users with the Manager Development add-on Only*


Priorities will be a list of 'Things to do' between a manager and one of that manager’s direct reports. Motivosity's Priorities will include the ability to create, complete, and discuss Priorities. There will be a 'Priorities' Tab under 'Lead'. To 'Setup' this option head here.

Creating and Deleting Priorities

When a manager first clicks on the Priorities tab, it will appear as above. When selecting a direct report, their priorities will be listed below for you to review, edit or add. There will be a 'Current' priorities section as well as a 'Completed' section for you to distinguish the status of the priorities.

You can add a new priority by clicking the '+' icon at the bottom of the 'Current' Priorities list. You can also move the order of the list by dragging the dotted icon to the left of the text of each priority.

Overcommitted to a priority? You may delete a priority by clearing out the text and clicking outside of the text box.

The list will show the date the priority was created, the age (how long the priority has been created) and the outcome. The outcome is the list of completions or status of the priority the 'Admin' will set up for managers to select from. When selecting the check box on the far right side of the priority, you'll choose the outcome you are wanting the priority to display as.

If a priority is completed it will drop down the the 'Completed' section of the list.

You also have the option to 'Download' the list of priorities if you'd like to bring it to an in-person conversation or 1 on 1.

Manage Priorities within your Profile

Users can review and manage their 'Current' Priorities within their User Profile!

  1. Open the dropdown menu under your profile picture

  2. Click 'My Profile'

  3. Click the tab called 'Priorities'

  4. Manage Priorities within your Profile

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