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Funding in Motivosity Overview

Redeeming Motivosity Bucks is only possible if you have Pre-Funded your account. Learn about your options here!

Updated over a week ago

Funding in Motivosity

Admins can connect payment methods and deposit money with Motivosity using the Funding page. Depositing money covers purchase costs when your users and employees redeem their Motivosity Bucks for Rewards or ThanksMatters card purchases.

Payment Methods

To add funds to your Prepaid Account, you will need to begin by adding a Payment Method. Once that is in place you can use that source to Deposit Funds.

Adding a Payment Method

If you haven't added a Payment Method yet, click the “+ Payment Method” button in the upper right corner of the Funding Page.

If you've already added a payment method, click the “View All” button in the upper right corner, then select the “+ New Payment Method” button in the Payment Method modal.

Depending on which method you'd like to add, click one of these links for more info:

Editing, Deleting, and Default Payment Methods

To view your payment methods you’ve added, select the “View All” button in the upper right corner from the Funding Page.

From the Payment Method modal, you can select the three dots on the right side of any payment method and select to edit or delete a payment method.

You will also have the option to make a payment method your Default Payment Method. By making a payment method default, this will be the payment method that is pre-selected when depositing funds or turning on Auto Funding.

Please Note: payment methods may be changed from the default when depositing funds if needed.

Prepaid Account Balances

Understanding Balances in your Prepaid Account

There are a few different balances to keep track of for your company’s Motivosity account, but no need to worry as we keep them organized and easy to manage for you! Here’s an overview of each of the three balances that you can see and what values they represent.

Total Balance

Your Total Balance will display all of the available funds which have been deposited and from your payment method and is what can be used to cover gifts and the total cost of Motivosity Buck redemptions.

  • If you currently have any pending deposits that have not yet been cleared and released, then you may also see two additional values here, one showing how many funds are still in this pending status and one showing what your total balance is with both the available and pending funds added together.

Low Balance Indicator: You may also notice that the Total Balance changes from a green to an orange color at times. This color scheme is there to help indicate when you may want to consider making a new deposit to this balance, and the indicator is based off of your organization’s average monthly spending amount. Green means that you should be all good for roughly three months worth of average spending, while an orange color will indicate that the Total Balance has dropped below what three months of spending is estimated to be.

Unredeemed Motivosity Buck

The next balance found on this page is the Unredeemed Motivosity Buck Balance. This will show the total number of Motivosity Buck available between all of your active users, meaning that if every user went to try and redeem their entire Spending Balance right now, this balance would be the amount needed in order for all user redemptions to be successful.

Average Withdrawals

The last balance which can be viewed from your Funding Page will be the Average Withdrawals. This balance will take into account the total amount of redemptions made by all of your users and calculate what can be expected as an average monthly redemption amount. For newer Motivosity customers that are less than 1 year old, this average will be calculated as all redemptions made since your company’s launch date. For any older Motivosity customers, this value will be a rolling year average.

Also, the "12-Month Total" balance is the total calculated balance of what has been withdrew/redeemed from Motivosity over the past 12 months, meaning this is a rolling 12 month total.

Please note: This average value can be quite volatile within the first 2-3 months of a new company account as users begin to develop receiving and spending habits. Don’t be surprised if you find this number fluctuating quite a bit during this period, it should begin to level out soon and will only get more accurate with time!

Depositing Funds

Once you have added a payment method, you will have the option to deposit funds into your Prepaid Account Balance.

To add funds, click “+ Deposit Funds” from the funding page.

Here you will be able to select which payment method to use, as well as the amount to deposit. If you have a default payment method, this will be the pre selected payment method.

Next, you will need to enter your MFA password or code to make a deposit. If you have secondary finance approval turned on, another finance admin will need to approve the deposit.

Voila! You added funds to your prepaid balance for users to make a purchase.

Deposit History

At the bottom of the Funding page, there is a very handy deposit history for you to easily view a record of all deposits which have been made to your Motivosity account.

Please note: If any submitted deposit is not able to be processed and completed successfully, that will not show up on your deposit history. Only pending and completed deposits will show here.

Under this history, you will be able to see an itemized list with all recent deposits, along with information relating to when they were initially submitted, which payment source the deposits originated from, each individual deposit status, who initiated each deposit, and each deposit’s total amount, amount charge, and fees, if any. (Any deposits submitted from a credit card payment method do include a 3.5% processing fee.)

This report can be easily filtered or downloaded to see the data you need from your most recent deposits.

Creating an Auto Funding Rule

Once your Payment Method has been added, you can also create an Auto-Funding Rule that will automatically deposit funds into your Prepaid Account Balance once it has hit a certain level.

To add an Auto Funding Rule, select the "Configure" button on the Auto Funding banner on the Funding page.

You will see the below modal which allows you to select which payment method to use to Auto Fund with, the Low Balance Trigger that the Auto Funding Rule will fund once the Prepaid Balance reaches the entered amount, and the amount to Auto Fund into your Prepaid Balance.

Understanding Low Balance Warnings

There are two ways Motivosity can notify you if you have hit a low balance in your prepaid account.

  • Low Balance: You can set up a Low Balance warning to notify you once your Prepaid Balance drops below a specified amount via email. This email will send on a weekly basis until your Total Prepaid balance is above the low balance threshold.

  • Average Withdrawal: This is the amount, on average, that your employees are spending month over month. If your Prepaid Balance drops below this average monthly withdrawal amount, you will get notified to deposit funds into your prepaid account. This email will also send on a weekly basis until your Total Prepaid balance is above your monthly average withdrawal amount.

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