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Providing Coaching

This is a guide to help you provide great coaching.

Updated over 11 months ago

Providing Coaching

Providing Coaching

Navigate to "Manage" and then select "Coaching" in the options below the main navigation:

Select the employee you'd like to give coaching to from their profile card images:

You will see two different questions. These are defaulted to "Job Results" and "Values Fit." These can be customized by your Motivosity Admin but the change will be made for your entire company. This article provides more details on customizing coaching.

Your job results and values fit may be a scale of either three or five. Selecting one of these options may or may not be required depending on how your Motivosity Administrator has configured the setup of coaching.

For each coaching category, there is a text box to prompt constructive feedback. This is a great place to enter notes, KPI's, OKR's, Coaching for Growth notes, or any other company-specific way you track formal coaching. The intent of these coaching conversations is to provide coaching or feedback to the employee about how they could get great job results and how to live the company values.

The next section is "Career Objectives."

This feature allows managers and employees to have a focus on career development as they work together. As a manager, you have the ability to enter in objectives for your employees to achieve. You also will have the ability to invite your employee to add career objective here as well.

To do this, select the option that reads, "Invite [EMPLOYEE NAME] to Add Career Objectives"

These objectives can then be marked as complete by selecting the check box at the end of each objective.

The final section is "Strengths".

Strengths are similar to career objectives where managers and employees can enter and manage specific strengths. As a manager, you can enter in strengths for your individual employees that they emulate within the workplace to help create a focus on what to build on during Coaching sessions.

Coaching Privacy

When you click "Save", the coaching will automatically become private for 15 days. However, if you wish to share the coaching session with the employee immediately, you can click "Share with [EMPLOYEE NAME]".

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