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360 Peer Feedback

This guide will show you how to gather 360 feedback on your team members

Updated over 11 months ago

Navigating to 360 Peer Feedback

If you'd like to view peer feedback for one of your direct reports, select the "Coaching" tab in "Manage". On the right side of the screen, you will then see previous feedback as "Coaching History." "Pending Feedback" will show as "1 Pending Invitation" in the bottom lefthand corner. As a manager, this is where you can view feedback that has or is waiting to be given to one of your direct reports.

Requesting Peer Feedback

By selecting the green "Request Peer Feedback" button on the bottom of "Pending Feedback" you can request feedback from anyone in the company. Once the button is selected, you can type the name of the person you'd like feedback from, and you can also customize a note to that person about the feedback you'd like to receive. For example, this may be a special project they recently worked on together.

Please note: This request will expire after 2 weeks and you will receive an email notifying you.

When someone in the organization completes peer feedback, it is only sent to the manager of that employee. That feedback will now be listed in the "Coaching History" section.

You can select "see more" to see the feedback that was provided by the peer.

The manager would then take this feedback into consideration when they provide a subsequent feedback session. You can also download a copy of the feedback session by selecting this blue download icon.


Let's look at this from the employee's perspective, in this case, we will look at Andy. The only information Andy will receive in Feedback is anything his manager, Leslie provides him. When 360 feedback is completed those feedback sessions are only sent to Leslie.

Those "upstream" from Leslie would be able to see peer feedback and regular feedback that Leslie has provided. Andy reports to Leslie, Leslie reports to Ron, and Ron reports to Paul. That means Paul, Ron, and Leslie will be able to see peer feedback given about Andy.

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