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Launch Ideas

Here are some of our favorite launch festivities to help bring the HYPE! From parties to pastries, check out what went well for others

Updated over 11 months ago

Build some anticipation

Introducing Motivosity shouldn’t be kept a secret until launch day. Create some buzz with leadership and employees by adding it as an agenda item to company/manager meetings, sending out teaser emails, and start talking up appreciation at work. Put up Motivosity posters around the office and attach to company communications & newsletters. The idea is to brainstorm some fun ways to let your employees know that a new way to recognize all the great work people are doing using an application called Motivosity is coming.

Leverage inexpensive videos

We recommend creating four 30-90 second videos, easily created with a webcam or phone. We’d recommend having members of Sr. Leadership create these as it helps them have more buy-in to success.

  • Video 1: Send it out to employees two weeks before launch. Tell them why culture is important to your business; why you selected Motivosity; and let them know when it’s coming.

  • Video 2: Send it out to employees one week before launch. Let them see the ThanksMatters Card and tell them how great it will be to be able to take their appreciation with them wherever they go and reinforce the power of saying thank you

  • Video 3: Send it out on the day of the launch. Tell employees that Motivosity is live and any incentives you’re offering for leading participants.

  • Video 4: Send it two days after the launch. Remind employees to log in and set up their profiles.

  • Video 5: Send it out one week after launch, sharing a handful of the more meaningful appreciations that have already been given.

Use Motivosity's Pre-Made Videos

We have a library of videos for you to peruse and use as needed.

Offer Incentives

Spend a few bucks to jumpstart things. Here are three recommendations:

  • For all employees who get their Motivosity profiles complete in the first three days after launch, you’ll kick in an extra five Motivosity spending bucks and you’ll enter them into a raffle for fifty Motivosity bucks.

  • For all employees who give an appreciation on day one, you’ll give them an extra few bucks to say “thanks” with.

  • All employees who log in, give one appreciation, and complete their profile within the first week of launch will receive the “Motivosity Early-Adopter Badge”

Throw a “virtual” launch party!

Depending on your situation, your employees may be remote, hybrid, or spread across multiple locations. No matter what you decide to do, the important thing is to make sure everyone is included.

  • On the day of the launch, if the size of your company makes it possible, bring everybody together, tell them why you’re investing in the culture of the company, show them how Motivosity works, and hype up what they can do with the Motivosity bucks they will be earning. Consider adding a team-building activity to the launch party. Remind employees to log in and set up their profiles.

  • If your people are spread across multiple locations, consider bringing in lunch or party snacks for each location. Share a video from the CEO and have each onsite leader show everyone how to log in and use Motivosity.

  • Instead of having a launch day party, have a special “Appreciation Week” to celebrate the launch of Motivosity. Put up posters. Have dedicated snack rooms where you can display Motivosity in kiosk mode. Combine your launch with some incentives (see #3) during the week This is especially great for employees who work shifts, 24/7 services, etc.

Provide answers

Motivosity has a zero-effort learning curve. But still…make it easy for employees to get answers to their questions about this “New Motivosity thing.” The best way to do this is introducing your employees to which is a super sleek way to get answers on all things Motivosity. You can also set up a help-desk for a couple hours on launch day, making the Motivosity admin’s email address easily accessible. You could also do a desk drop with basic instructions to get started.

Feed ‘em

Who doesn’t appreciate food!? Pick a two-hour time block and let employees know that you’ll be set up in the break room or in a common area and after they’ve set up their profile, stop by for fruit, or pizza, or whatever food snacks are the team’s favorites. If your situation allows, consider bringing in food trucks. Remote employees always love a little cookie drop, why not send them Motivosity AND cookies!?

Bring out the Swag!

In addition to kicking in some of your own swag, we’ve got some of the best-looking Motivosity t-shirts and socks (yeah, socks) that you’ve ever seen. We’re happy to send you a few to help make launch day amazing. If you’d like to request these, reach out to support here or your Customer Success Manager. Use them as incentive giveaways. If you’d like to purchase shirts in bulk we can make that happen too :)

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